#Good_ offers a diversified and convenient shopping experience to customers, dedicates to the pursuit of the highest quality products from all over the world, while “Value for money”, “Quality-oriented” and “Selected for you” are the key brand promises.
Leveraging the characteristics of HKTVMall, the logo is designed in a
#hashtag format with the word “Good”. “Good” could be a noun referring to products or as an adjective by filling in the blank “_”.
To enrich #Good_ with an image of a Hong Kong-based brand, the Chinese wordings of “十卜” are hidden in the logomark, which means “Support” in Cantonese, HKTV mall is a strong backup for customers’ daily life.
Leveraging the characteristics of HKTVMall, the logo is designed in a
#hashtag format with the word “Good”. “Good” could be a noun referring to products or as an adjective by filling in the blank “_”.
To enrich #Good_ with an image of a Hong Kong-based brand, the Chinese wordings of “十卜” are hidden in the logomark, which means “Support” in Cantonese, HKTV mall is a strong backup for customers’ daily life.